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Project partners

Helmholtz Open Science Office der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

The mission of the Helmholtz Open Science Office is to promote the cultural change towards Open Science. Established by the Helmholtz Association in 2005, the Office sees itself as a service provider that supports the community in shaping the cultural change towards Open Science. The Helmholtz Open Science Office is a partner of all agents involved in this process within Helmholtz, in particular the Open Science Working Group and its Task Groups. The Office is also involved in overarching projects such as, ORCID DE and re3data COREF. Roland Bertelmann, Lea Maria Ferguson, Marcel Meistring, and Heinz Pampel work for the Transform2Open team.

Central Library of Forschungszentrums Jülich

The Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich is responsible for the comprehensive and high-quality supply of literature and information to the staff of the Research Center and provides services both internally and externally in the areas of information management, publications, and bibliometrics. It is committed to the principles of Open Science and is involved in various projects, such as the operation of the Open Access Monitor Germany, for openness in research. Irene Barbers, Bernhard Mittermaier, and Margit Schön work for the Transform2Open team.

University Library of University of Potsdam

As the largest university in Brandenburg, the University of Potsdam (UP) has been strongly involved in the Open Access movement since its beginnings. The focus is on free access to scientific information without technical, financial or legal barriers and publishing in Open Access. To this end, the University Library has been successfully operating an Open Access publication fund since 2015, supported by the DFG. The University Library participates in various transformation contracts and publishing agreements and provides comprehensive advice on financial support for OA publications. To accompany this, the Universitätsverlag (university press), founded in 1998, publishes several hundred OA monographs and two OA journals. Tobias Höhnow, Peter Kostädt, and Joshua Shelly work for the Transform2Open team.